Comments Posted By John Runyon
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It seems to me there is a paucity of help and security for the president. Mike, Strangelove, and the First Lady... I know this is fiction, but if this was the real thing, wouldn't the President be in the air---flying situation room and all of that, I'm thinking that the Secret Service would insist... At a minimum, since he happens to be in the same county as 1)an Assassination of a former president, 2)a Terrorist attack on an airport, 3) a nerve gas attack on a mall, 4) an attemped attack on a Hospital, 5) a succussful attack on a government high security building and so on, at a minimum shouldn't he be in a safe room...I know suspend belief...P.S. under the circumstances would the VP and POTUS be at the same place... within an easy commute of ground zero so to speak, I say since Strangelove is so confident, publicly assign him as the on-scene commander and hit the sky...

Comment Posted By John Runyon On 21.03.2006 @ 15:42

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